【速報】 日本、世界で最も高品質な生活の豊かな国に選ばれる 治安・公衆衛生・死者の少なさ

1 : :2020/11/18(水) 01:57:14.02 ID:mkf/T1us0
World's Best Cities To Live In 2020
Global Finance selects the world's 10 best cities to live in based on eight metrics, including pandemic response.

1位 日本東京
2位 英国ロンドン
3位 シンガポール
4位 米国ニューヨーク
5位 豪州 メルボルン
6位 ドイツフランクフルト
7位 フランスパリ
8位 韓国ソウル

#1 | Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo ranks first as the city with the highest quality of life in 2020 due to its overall relatively good scores in most metrics and Japan’s strong response to COVID-19.
Japan has had very low case counts, a subsidized advanced transportation system, and an overall high quality of life.

Because of the critical importance of COVID-19 in affecting quality of life, there are results in the ranking that would be surprising in any other year. Many highly developed European cities such as Brussels (43), Milan (40), Barcelona (38), and Madrid (35) are now ranked towards the bottom.
These cities are often considered to have high quality of life and score respectively well in Cultural Interaction, Livability, and Environment. However, the Covid-19 deaths per million in Belgium, Italy, and Spain are very high as these countries faced both the initial wave and are currently experiencing a limited second wave.
The spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent deaths have pushed these cities towards the bottom of the list.

Tokyo (1), Singapore (3), Seoul (8), and Hong Kong (11) are ranked respectively high because of the extremely low spread of Covid-19 and the low death rates per capita for these countries.

In fact, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea have often been praised as models for dealing with the virus.

Marc Getzoff記者

米経済紙グローバルファイナンス ソース英語 2020/10/14
